Vinay Bihari Singh
Today is the birth day of Yogavatar Lahiri Mahashay (Shyama Charan Lahiri) . In the year 1861 he recieved Kriya Yoga from his eternal Guru Mahavatar Baba ji. I bow to these great saints. Lahiri Mahashay has said- I am ever with those who practise Kriya (Yoga). I will guide you to the Cosmic Home through your ever enlarging spiritual perceptions.
When ever I remember this great saint, i always feel blessed. Once a lady deciple of Lahiri Mahashay wanted to meet his god like Guru. But she was in Calcutta and her Guru was in Banaras (Varanasi, Utter Pradesh). She hurried to reach Howrah sataion. time was very short. the moment she reached the railway station, train started to leave plateform. She prayed- Gurudev, I cannot wait for your Darshan. please do something. Immediately, the train stoped. The driver tried his best. But, he was failed. In the mean time, the guard of the train told this lady devotee, please go in to the train and take a seat, i will buy ticket for you. gUARD DID SO. THE MOMENT, THIS LADY DEVOTEE GOT THE TICKET AND SAT ON HER SEAT TRAIN STARTED TO MOVE. this was miracle.
when this holy lady, reached at her Guru's home, her Guru Lahiri Mahashay said- Why so hurry? You could have catch another train. But you liked to trouble me for stopping the train. the lady touched her Guru's holy feet. The Guru blessed her.
I always remember this miracle. Lahiri Mahashya did many miracles. but he always said- BANAT BANAT BAN JAYI. It means keep trying to contact God, you will be blessed by him in due time. keep on keeping on.
I bow to the holy feet of Lahiri Mahashay. Jai Param Guru.